Sunbury, PA Real Estate Overview | Villager Realty Inc.

About Sunbury, PA

Sunbury, PA

Situated where the west and north branches of the Susquehanna River meet, Sunbury, PA was named after an English Village located near London, England. The town became internationally famous in the late 1800s when Thomas Edison demonstrated his invention of the electric light at a downtown hotel, which was the first building to use the inventor's three-wire system. This hotel is still in operation in downtown Sunbury and has been named The Edison Hotel in honor of the inventor.

Sunbury's up and coming downtown features a unique collection of shops, restaurants, and hotels. The city's active revitalization team has taken an active role in keeping the town a vibrant and thriving place to live, work, and play.

The town's unique location on the Susquehanna and near Shikellamy State Park make Sunbury a great place for outdoor adventure. Plus, close proximity to Shamokin Dam and area shops and restaurants as well as Routes 11 and 15 make shopping and travel a breeze.

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Sunbury Schools and Demographics


Elementary Schools near Sunbury, PA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Chief Shikellamy School KG - 05 280 14 17801
Oaklyn School KG - 05 400 19 17801
Priestley School KG - 03 300 18 17857
Selinsgrove Area El School KG - 02 500 14 17870
Selinsgrove Intermediate School 03 - 05 550 14 17870
Trevorton El School KG - 04 375 12 17881

Middle Schools near Sunbury, PA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Line Mountain Middle School 05 - 08 380 14 17830
Selinsgrove Area Middle School 06 - 08 571 12 17870
Shikellamy Middle School 06 - 08 698 16 17857

High Schools near Sunbury, PA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Line Mountain Junior-senior High School 09 - 12 366 14 17830
Selinsgrove Area High School 09 - 12 808 15 17870
Shikellamy High School 09 - 12 845 17 17801

Demographics near Sunbury, PA

City County
Population 9,559 92,573
Population Density 4,662 202
Median Age 40.1 44.5
People per Household 2.3 2.3
Median Household Income 37,545 50,464
Average Income per Capita 22,043 27,245

Sunbury Map

Sunbury real estate offices

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Villager Realty Inc. - Northumberland
236 Old Danville Highway
Northumberland, PA
(570) 473-7300
Realtors & Staff

Villager Realty Inc - Lewisburg
8 N. 3rd Street
Lewisburg, PA
(570) 523-3244
Realtors & Staff

Villager Realty Inc. - Danville
570 Mill Street
Danville, PA
(570) 275-8440
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Real estate near Sunbury